What is Policy data?
Policy data is estimated exposure and premium information. It includes coverage information such as policy number, policy term, states covered, and names and addresses of the insured and insurer.
What is POC data?
Proof of Coverage (POC) Data is a subset of Policy data that provides employers’ coverage information to regulators.
What is Policy data used for?
Policy data enables NCCI to track the future reporting of Unit Statistical data, ensure accurate determination of assigned risk market share, and fulfill POC services for NCCI POC states.
What resources are available for Policy and Proof of Coverage (POC) data?
Tools and Services
Policy Data Collection—Allows you to search, view, and correct your company’s Policy and POC data. You can also track your submissions and identify any associated errors. To further assist you with your policy reporting, the tool offers these additional features:
Add a Policy allows you to enter your new and renewal Policy data online.
Add a Proof of Coverage (POC) Notice/Binder allows you to enter POC data online to help meet regulatory timeliness requirements.
File Tracking allows you to monitor Production, Certification, and Pre-Edit Policy data files sent by you or your company. You can also monitor the data files sent to you and when they were downloaded.
Policy Extract Feature allows you to extract your Policy data in the Workers Compensation Policy Reporting Specifications format to load into your source system.
Data Reports provides information regarding your submissions and edits identified by NCCI and the POC states. You can also create customized reports.
Carrier Information allows you to access your carrier group information and view coverage provider IDs (carrier codes) that fall under your group. Buyout/runoff dates, contact information, and branch addresses can also be accessed.
Take-Out Credit allows you to search and view the status of your take-out credits. Additionally, this feature allows you to accept or decline credits that have been issued to your company.
Policy Pre-Edit Services—Allows you to submit a Policy data file to pre-edit and receive an edit report to help correct the data prior to submitting to production.
Data Transfer via the Internet (DTVI)—Is a Web-based tool for reporting your data. You can also use this tool to receive error and submission reports and track your data files sent to and from NCCI.
Data Manager Dashboard (DMD)—Allows you to monitor your company’s Policy and POC data reporting performance. You can also access your data quality results from the
Data Quality Incentive Program (DQIP) and
Carrier Data Quality Report Program (Carrier Report Card).
Reporting Resources
Policy and Proof of Coverage Reporting Guidebook—Contains the rules and requirements for reporting Policy data, including editing requirements, the Policy Edit Matrix, and POC service requirements.
Proof of Coverage State Guide—Provides state contact information, filing requirements, and any state-specific processing rules.
Data Quality Guidebook—Contains the program rules and criteria for each of NCCI’s Data Quality Compliance Programs. It also includes NCCI’s approach to data quality, details for cross-data type comparisons, and workflows for data quality best practices.
Electronic Transmission User’s Guide—Contains the requirements for preparing and submitting test and production files for all NCCI data types. It also includes information for receiving data files and extracts electronically. Field specifications and record layouts for electronic transmissions are found in the
WCIO Workers Compensation Data Specifications Manual.