A Case of the Mondays
Sometimes injuries that are not work-related get claimed as workers compensation. Workers may get injured away from their job, but say the injury is related to work to reap better benefits, particularly if they are otherwise uninsured.
Many believe these claims are more likely to "occur" on a Monday because nonwork-related injuries may be more likely to happen over the weekend.
If this is the case …
- How would something like the Affordable Care Act (ACA) impact workers compensation claims? Would the ACA reduce the number of nonwork-related claims paid by workers compensation?
- And if so, would the decline in the frequency of Monday claims be larger than the frequency decline of claims occurring on other days of the week?
NCCI’s latest research brief, "Changes in Monday Claims," evaluates the change in the share of Monday claims before and after the ACA to answer these questions and more. The key findings reveal: