Countrywide Mega Claims Accident Years 2001-2021 | | | Countrywide Mega Claims Accident Years 2001-2021 | NCCI Insights | | December 12, 2024 | NCCI, in collaboration with other workers compensation bureaus, has released its Countrywide Mega Claims study. It analyzes trends in mega claims, those with incurred losses at 2018 cost levels of $3 million across the country. | Article |
Adverse Weather and Workers Compensation Claims | | | Adverse Weather and Workers Compensation Claims | Patrick Coate, David Colón, and Casan Scott | | October 15, 2024 | How do adverse weather conditions affect work injuries and therefore workers compensation claims? | Article |
Impairment Ratings in Workers Compensation: Gaining Insights From Claim Demographics | | | Impairment Ratings in Workers Compensation: Gaining Insights From Claim Demographics | David Colón and Casan Scott | | September 4, 2024 | Permanent partial disability injuries account for approximately 50% of all workers compensation costs, with impairment ratings playing a key role in most states. | Article |
Medicare Fee Schedules and Workers Compensation in 2024 | | | Medicare Fee Schedules and Workers Compensation in 2024 | Jon Sinclair and Katherine Norris | | June 20, 2024 | This report highlights the most relevant changes in the 2024 update and the potential impact on workers compensation (WC) medical costs. | Article |
Medicare Fee Schedules and Workers Compensation in 2023 | | | Medicare Fee Schedules and Workers Compensation in 2023 | Jon Sinclair and Katherine Norris | | April 17, 2023 | The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) updates its reimbursement rules and rates for medical services each year. Learn more about changes in 2023, and their potential effect on workers compensation (WC) medical costs. | Article |
Inflation and Workers Compensation Medical Costs - Prescription Drugs | | | Inflation and Workers Compensation Medical Costs - Prescription Drugs | Raji H. Chadarevian, David Colon, and Amelia Carroll | | March 28, 2023 | This is the fourth and last installment in NCCI’s series on inflation and workers compensation (WC) medical costs. This one explores price and utilization trends in prescription drugs and how each contributes to WC costs in four US geographical regions. | Article |
Inflation and Workers Compensation Medical Costs - Physician Services | | | Inflation and Workers Compensation Medical Costs - Physician Services | Raji H. Chadarevian and David Colon | | February 07, 2023 | This is the third of four installments in NCCI’s series on inflation and workers compensation (WC) medical costs. This one explores price and utilization trends in physician services and how each contributes to WC costs in four US geographical regions. | Article |
Inflation and Workers Compensation Medical Costs - Facility Services | | | Inflation and Workers Compensation Medical Costs - Facility Services | Jon Sinclair, Raji H. Chadarevian, and David Colon | | January 18, 2023 | This is the second of four installments in NCCI’s series on inflation and workers compensation (WC) medical costs. It focuses on facility services by drilling down on price and utilization trends for different types of facilities. | Article |
COVID-19 and Workers Compensation - Phase II of the Multibureau Collaboration | | | COVID-19 and Workers Compensation - Phase II of the Multibureau Collaboration | NCCI Insights | | November 15, 2022 | The National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI), in collaboration with nine other workers compensation rating bureaus, has jointly released phase II of COVID-19 and Workers Compensation. This updated study includes 2 years of claims data. | Article |
Why Wage Inflation Matters in Workers Compensation | | | Why Wage Inflation Matters in Workers Compensation | Anae Myers, Carrie Wang, and Kirk Bitu | | October 31, 2022 | Wages have grown relatively faster for lower wage workers since the pandemic, and Workers Comp rates account for that in premiums and benefits accordingly. | Article |
Long COVID in Workers Compensation: A First Look | | | Long COVID in Workers Compensation: A First Look | Michael Choo, Robert Moss, and Nedžad Arnautović | | October 17, 2022 | Long COVID refers to individuals infected with COVID-19 who subsequently endured persistent, debilitating symptoms for weeks and months after initial infection. This study explores the long COVID experience and how it relates to workers compensation. | Article |
Inflation and Workers Compensation Medical Costs - Overall Medical | | | Inflation and Workers Compensation Medical Costs - Overall Medical | Raji H. Chadarevian, David Colon, and Amelia Carroll | | October 10, 2022 | This is the first of four installments in NCCI’s series on inflation and workers compensation (WC) medical costs. It explores price and utilization trends in medical services, and how each contributes to WC costs in the four US geographical regions. | Article |
The Great Reshuffle and Workers Compensation Frequency | | | The Great Reshuffle and Workers Compensation Frequency | Patrick Coate | | September 28, 2022 | This research brief explores three ways the Great Reshuffle has impacted the labor market: more short-tenured workers, more remote workers, and changing worker mix. It then discusses implications of these changes for workers compensation frequency. | Article |
Return-to-Work Post-Injury - Employer Perspectives | | | Return-to-Work Post-Injury - Employer Perspectives | NCCI Insights | | August 02, 2022 | NCCI interviewed various employer professionals to get perspectives on return-to-work programs (post-injury). This is the second of two articles related to return-to-work perspectives. | Article |
Heterogeneity of Office and Clerical Classifications | | | Heterogeneity of Office and Clerical Classifications | Nedžad Arnautović | | June 29, 2022 | Our research uncovers some interesting findings and focuses on claim frequency experience for the largest, most reported exposure in WC: Class Code 8810—Clerical Office Employees Not Otherwise Classified (NOC). | Article |
Medicare Fee Schedules and Workers Compensation in 2022 | | | Medicare Fee Schedules and Workers Compensation in 2022 | David Colon and Katherine Norris | | April 04, 2022 | The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) updates its reimbursement rules and rates for medical services each year. Learn more about changes in 2021 and 2022, and their potential effect on workers compensation (WC) medical costs. | Article |
Webinar Available Now: COVID-19’s Impact on Workers Compensation - A Multi-Bureau Collaboration | | | Webinar Available Now: COVID-19’s Impact on Workers Compensation - A Multi-Bureau Collaboration | NCCI Insights | | January 24, 2022 | View an engaging discussion with several independent bureaus and NCCI to better understand how COVID-19 has impacted workers compensation insurance and the American workforce since March 2020. | Article |
Drug Formulary Implementations - A Look at Impact on Workers Compensation Prescription Drug Experience | | | Drug Formulary Implementations - A Look at Impact on Workers Compensation Prescription Drug Experience | Robert Moss and David Colon | | December 14, 2021 | Recent trends in drug spending in workers compensation (WC) point to an overall decline in costs associated with certain drugs, including opioids. | Article |
COVID-19 and The New Reality - Prolonged COVID | | | COVID-19 and The New Reality - Prolonged COVID | Michael Choo | | October 26, 2021 | COVID-19 surprised the nation with its severe impact on multiorgan systems, necessitating acute medical care. But, what is even more bewildering are the lingering debilitating effects from COVID-19 infection that are just now starting to be recognized. | Article |
Workers Compensation and Group Health - Comparing Utilization of Physician Services | | | Workers Compensation and Group Health - Comparing Utilization of Physician Services | Barry Lipton and Dan Corro | | September 15, 2021 | In this latest research brief, NCCI taps into data from employer-sponsored group health (GH) programs as a source of information that might be critical to maintaining a viable workers compensation (WC) benefit delivery system. | Article |
The Latest Trends in Time to Treatment | | | The Latest Trends in Time to Treatment | Barry Lipton and Dan Corro | | August 31, 2021 | This study explores the impact of the COVID‐19 pandemic on time to treatment for injured workers. We also associate costs with the time to treatment for injuries based on historical information. | Article |
Examining PTSD - What's the Impact on Future Workers Compensation Costs | | | Examining PTSD - What's the Impact on Future Workers Compensation Costs | Bruce Spidell | | June 17, 2021 | This article focuses on potential impacts that post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may have on WC system costs. | Article |
Workers Compensation Burn Injuries - Catastrophic Claim Management - What's New | | | Workers Compensation Burn Injuries - Catastrophic Claim Management - What's New | Michael Choo | | June 03, 2021 | NCCI and Paradigm, an accountable care management organization, highlight contributing factors to the high medical costs associated with burn-related mega-loss claims. | Article |
COVID-19's Impact on Medical Treatment in Workers Compensation - A Third Quarter 2020 Perspective | | | COVID-19's Impact on Medical Treatment in Workers Compensation - A Third Quarter 2020 Perspective | David Colon and Raji H. Chadarevian | | March 30, 2021 | This is the third in a series of articles addressing the impact of the pandemic on medical treatments in workers compensation (WC). | Article |
The Residual Market and COVID-19 - An Early Look | | | The Residual Market and COVID-19 - An Early Look | Nadege Bernard-Ahrendts | | March 22, 2021 | With the significant impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the US workforce, this article focuses on potential COVID-19-related impacts to the NCCI-managed Residual Market Pools. | Article |