Ed Marynowitz, Senior Division Executive—Independent Bureaus, is responsible for managing and developing NCCI’s business relationships with independent bureau (IB) management. Responsibilities include identification, analysis, and implementation of appropriate IB partnering opportunities and information exchanges.
Mr. Marynowitz, who has more than 40 years of experience in the workers compensation industry, is a Fellow of the Insurance Data Management Association (FIDM). He has represented NCCI in various data-related industry forums and holds key leadership roles in many industry organizations. He demonstrates his broad industry involvement by serving on numerous committees, task forces, panels, and work groups for ACORD, IDMA, WCIO, and IAIABC. He is a past president and chairman of the board of IDMA. He is also a current member of the ACORD Property & Casualty Steering Committee and the IAIABC EDI Council.
Prior to joining NCCI, Mr. Marynowitz was the director of underwriting rating and statistical services for the Pennsylvania Compensation Rating Bureau for 21 years.